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When you schedule an appointment with one of our professionals, we will ask you to complete an intake form providing relevant physical, emotional and family history.  Forms can be sent out to you in advance or completed by coming a few minutes prior to the scheduled intake session.  Intake sessions are used to gather information, identify issues, and provide information about the counseling process.

If the client chooses to engage in the counseling process a plan is made with the therapist and subsequent sessions will be scheduled one time per week or as necessary based on the client's needs.  Counseling sessions are typically 50 minutes, although longer sessions may be appropriate at times, particularly with family groups.

New Directions is a private practice and is not a direct provider for any insurance companies.  While we do not process insurance claims, our clients with mental health insurance coverage are often eligible for non-provider or out-of-network reimbursement under their policies.  Clients pay for their sessions in cash, check, credit card or HSA/FSA at the time of each session and are provided with the necessary information to provide to their insurance company for reimbursement of any covered expenses if requested.

All of our services at New Directions are confidential and each client will be asked to review and sign a confidentiality policy.  If you wish for us to consult or coordinate with other service providers (medical practitioners, attorneys, schools, therapists or outside agencies) we will obtain a release of information to communicate with those parties.

You may contact our office to schedule an appointment with our professionals.  We ask our clients to respect our scheduling policy by keeping appointments or calling 24 hours in advance in the event of a cancellation.  No-shows will be billed for 75% of the session. Repeated no-shows will not be rescheduled unless they have made specific arrangements with their therapist.

After 90 days without an appointment with your provider, a client may be deemed inactive and may be asked to complete intake paperwork and subject to a waiting list if provider is full.    

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